
Showing posts from April, 2017

Last Memory Before The 'Blackout'

Early memory: When I was in about 3rd grade, I attended a private school, and I used to take ballet classes after school about twice a week. Nothing particularly rigorous (we were only third graders, after all), just teaching the positions, and learning a basic routine for the recital at the end of the year (this was for our parents, as a reward for them spending their hard-earned money on the class, ballet gear, and fundraising). On the days when I had ballet class after school, my mother would dress me in a leotard and tights, with a jumper over them. This way, I didn't have to carry extra clothing, simply remove the jumper, put on my ballet shoes, and I was ready for class. The school had a playground area where kids could burn off steam before school started, and during recess. Parents dropped their children off at the playground (there were teachers keeping an eye on the children), and when classes were to begin, the teachers would have us line up in our class groups, an